I take the train to work, every day that I decide to go to work. I
kind of like it, it allows me to play games on my phone and ipod,
sometimes write, and above all to people watch. While I do miss
driving, Alise allows me to drive (in her car) whenever we need to go
anywhere on four wheels, which is gracious and very trusting of her.
I get on the train at its first stop and remain on until the last one.
Partly because I like to get the biggest bang for my buck seventy
five, partly because these are the stations closest to my home and
Even though I travel at basically the same time in the mornings and
evenings, I rarely see the same people on my commute. This is a little
odd, but it is good to mix it up.
One young man that I often see gets on the train at, let's call it
stop five of my route. When he gets on at five, he boards with his
possibly one year old daughter, a delightful child with beautiful
blond hair. He then gets off at stop eight with daughter in tow.
Some days I see this young man get on the train, alone, at stop eight.
I have deduced (never let it be said that I'm incapable of intelligent
thought before my first gallon of coffee) that his mornings consist of
getting on the train at five with child, getting off at eight to drop
child at daycare, then getting back on at eight to go into Boston
where he works. Probably making cookies or saving kittens. He's that
sweet looking.
Now, to my point (I do have one this time!)
When he gets on the train at five with daughter in tow, he is the
center of attention. The guy is mobbed. Everyone wants to know
everything about not only the child, but about him too.
When he gets onto a different train at stop eight, he is totally
ignored. No one says a word to him, he may as well be invisible.
I guess I have this to look forward to. When I am out with our child
we will be popular and interesting. When alone I will be as I am now,
just another face in the crowd. Babies, like it or not, are attention
whores and our child will be my trophy baby. Fun times.
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