Monday, August 17, 2009

Apparently I still make her heart race...

Or, I make her blood boil. Perhaps you can decide for yourself which is more fitting.

Let's take a moment here and be honest with one another...

If you have the perfect relationship, and define 'perfection' as including the fact that you have never, ever argued with your partner, then you're either in the most wonderful partnership out there, or you're simply lying.

The other night, Alise and I had a 'difference of opinion'. Not a bad 'I will cut your nuts off' fight, just a little tiff. At the point that things were winding down and we were deciding if we actually did want to go and see a movie, Alise, out of my line of sight, sat down on the stairs.

'Well are we going or what?' I called to her. I was a little pissy still but was trying (honestly) to bury the hatchet.
'One minute' Alise said. Something in her voice told me that something wasn't right.

You know, we really have been very lucky as far as pregnancy symptoms are concerned. Alise hasn't had bad morning sickness and the only time that she's looked as though she's even thinking about throwing up is when faced with my take on an American Chop Suey.

Here's one though, that we weren't expecting.

It shouldn't have come as too much of a surprise. When pregnant, the heart can pump between 30% and 50% more blood, so that the fetus can be supplied with its goodness. Quite a feat, but which can put quite a strain on baby momma. Add to this the fact that we had been out in the midday sun for perhaps longer than we should have, and had drunk a little less water than would be advised, and you have the ingredients for a scary few minutes.

Alise's heart rate skyrocketed. Her heart was beating so fast that it could hardly even be counted, it was beating so hard that her chest was basically vibrating. I took her upstairs and into bed, and got her some water.

Alise could barely talk, let alone catch her breath. I thought that she was possibly getting better when she spoke, I knew that she was on the road to recovery when she said 'can you bring me my laptop? I want to look this up, see if it's normal'.

Apparently, this is a normal symptom. The heart goes through a lot when pregnant, and is known to 'flip out' from time to time. Dehydration, stress, anger and pregnancy can be a tricky combination, and anyone out there that's either pregnant or living with a pregnant person should be aware of these issues.


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