Alise and I spent this morning in the labor and delivery department this morning.
It all started last night when Alise developed what she described as 'something that feels like menstrual cramping'. Apparently, this can be a sign that the baby is coming. We are both painfully aware that first time parents can often jump the gun, so we decided to wait a while before calling anyone.
It continued until we went to bed. I slept like a baby (I woke every couple of hours crying until Alise latched me onto her breast); but Alise didn't sleep at all. She had to go to the bathroom every 15 seconds or so, the pain continued.
At some point, she called her mom (who currently lives on the west coast and is 3 hours behind us). Her mom confirmed that she may be having contractions.
Sometime around 5am, Alise called her doctor and spoke to the person on call. He advised that we should go to the hospital.
It's probably a good job that we did. For one, we now actually know where the labor and delivery department of the hospital is (after going to the wrong building once, and the wrong floor in the correct building three times); for two's, we know that the baby is fine and is, on the coldest day of the year, happy to stay inside. They hooked Alise up to monitors, checked that the baby was alright and determined after quite a long time and a couple of tests that he wasn't ready to come out of the oven, just yet.
This time it was a false alarm, but still... it made us realize that anything can happen in the next few weeks. Despite the fact that we've scheduled a C-Section for him, he can't yet read emails or calenders and will come when he bloody well wants to.
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