Monday, March 8, 2010

One Week To Go!!

Don't worry everyone... we're still here! Still waiting, still panicking a little.
We had quite an eventual week, really. Alise's sister Hannah arrived on Monday and has taken up residence in the spare room. As soon as she arrived, Coco the wonder dog fell ill and we had to rush her to the emergency vet. Again. Poor girl. She's on medications, and seems to be doing well.
Now, we're just pretty much waiting. We had a nice weekend and enjoyed the spring weather, I put the car seat in the car (I don't know how he's supposed to reach the steering wheel but I guess he'll be okay), and tidied up a bit. This week we're having our last ultrasound, and will try to relax. And not think too much about next Monday.


April said...

One week? Awesome! We will keep you guys in our thoughts and will send up a little prayer next Monday. The last couple weeks of pregnancy are THE WORST!!! Remind Alise that she will be "not pregnant" in mere days and her belly will be substantially flatter, even in the post-surgery recovery room!

alise said...

Thanks April! I'm definitely feeling hideously uncomfortable at this point. No matter how I sit, stand, lie down, whatever, I'm sore and annoyed. I'm definitely at the "enough already!" stage :)

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