I have a number of irrational fears.
One that I mentioned in an earlier post, is cotton. I hate the stuff. I will, and have, crossed the road to avoid it. Alise knows that she is to keep all cotton buds away from me, and she has those Q-tip thingys hidden in the bathroom.
If one day I'm rooting around in there, looking for a bandage or something and I happen across a big box of them, I'll probably scream and then cry.
Another of my fears is revolving doors. They drive me mental.
If I'm totally alone, I can handle revolving doors. If someone is behind me, waiting to use the door after me, I break out into a smelly sweat and I panic. I can't stand that someone else will be using the revolving door to enter before I've exited, and it has led me to walk a very long way every morning to the exit that I really shouldn't use at the train station, to avoid a revolving door.
I thought about using the revolving door at the train station today. I was running late, and could have done with that 4 minutes that I lose by walking around the long way. I decided to take a deep breath, be a man, and to just go for it.
Before I had exited, someone entered. I broke into a smelly sweat, panicked, and barely made it out of there with my right leg intact.
This is similar to some of the feelings that I've been having when I think about a baby coming. In my mind, I'm still a child. I'm the youngest, I still play a lot. I just don't know if I'm ready to exit childhood.
The thing is though, there's someone coming in; so I'd better get out. Or risk serious injury.
Nah, you can still be a kid-I am! And I have 4 (and a half) kids. In fact, I think it makes parenthood more fun. :D
You know, perhaps you're right Cari. And perhaps I shall play tennis every day like a kid too!
Except not tomorrow. I'm WAY too sore after playing today.
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