Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Video Diary and photo Special!

Today we went to our first ultrasound. Possibly the most 'shit your pants' moment I've ever had. I'll write about it in more detail later, probably, but for now you'll have to be happy with a photo of 'the blob' and a video diary entry.

I will though throw in a few details here, while I wait for the video to upload. Baby is 2.5 cms in length, and has a heartbeat that measured 160 bpm. That's approximately 50% that mine would have measured, at the time. S/he (we don't know yet) is judged to be 9 weeks, and 1 day old.


Dot Wheeler said...

This is so cool. Your doctor is great for doing the ultrasounds. I never had one done until about a month before David was born.

April said...

Congrats! The first visit is the most nerve-wracking by far - they only get better from there. If you're excited now, wait till your kid has a face! ;)

sherry Wong said...

looks like his mom more

Jeremy said...

I did ask the doctors both if the child yet had a British accent, and if they could make out if it had curly hair. I also asked them 'where babies come from'. Alise, bless her soul for dealing with my nonsense at these appointments, can verify.

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