Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let's talk about sex, baby

Both of us, individually, have each held the following opinions.



1) 'we shouldn't find out the sex of the child, let's keep it as a surprise!'


2) 'lets find out! It'll make things much easier! Plus, we're really impatient!'


We've also both discussed this, at length. I suppose it could be possible that one of us knows and the other doesn't, but how long do you suppose that would last?


We both really don't care if this child is male or female. There are pro's and con's to both; Alise loves the little dresses that girls can wear (though she is fast becoming a fan of boys clothes too), while I would probably prefer to play with toy cars and trucks than Barbies. We could, of course, have a boy who plays with dolls or a girl who plays with cars and that would be totally fine with us (especially if the girl graduates to play with bigger cars and can perform a tune up and oil change in the driveway), but I'm working on what's more likely here. I will play soccer with either sex and the child will be a Nottingham Forest fan (the poor soul), so its not like we have different plans for raising the kid if born a boy or a girl.


But, there are things that we can decide on beforehand if we know what we're getting. A name, for one. Baby clothes could be bought in confidence before birth.


Neither of us are big fans of 'blue for boys and pink for girls', though. The nursery will be painted in a gender neutral color, a yellow or green perhaps.


Still, we think that we will ask to know the sex of the child as soon as possible. We'll be able to settle on a name, we'll be able to plan a little better, and we'll stop referring to the growth within Alise as 'it'.


Which then leads to the next question. Do we tell our friends and family what we're getting? I kind of think it might be awesome to keep it a secret; something Alise and I could share. It would also mean that baby shower gifts are more gender neutral.


Hhmmm…. Things to ponder…


April said...

It's a big decision. My one suggestion is if you DO find out - still keep ALL your baby gear/clothing receipts. Our friend was told "boy" for the entire pregnancy, only for the baby to be a beautiful little (anatomically correct) girl. And usually it's the other way around - they tell you girl (b/c they "don't see anything") and it's a boy, but I guess they were looking at the umbilical cord or something. I think it's even better to put the clothing on a registry (even if you buy it yourself) - that way you can ask for gift receipts and in most stores the items on your registry are returnable for a length of time "post-event." Otherwise, if you buy too early - say 100 days prior, you might miss whatever 30 or 90 day return policy the store has. (P.S. In approx. 14 weeks we will have our "surprise," but deciding to wait was the hardest decision we've made so far!)

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