Wednesday, September 23, 2009


For the last few months, this whole 'baby thing' has been quite fun, really. As I've discussed in detail, Alise has had to pee quite a bit, has had some (but not many) food cravings, and her boobs have grown. Apart from that though… all has been pretty quiet. There's been few constant reminders to me, that she, is preggers.


All of this has changed, literally in the last week. Whereas before Alise looked like she'd possibly had a few too many cheeseburgers, she now looks decidedly pregnant. Her belly has grown; she's 'popped'.


As Alise pops her belly, Jeremy poops his pants.


Seeing Alise now so obviously 'with child' has kind of scared me. I knew it was coming, but it still came as quite a shock to me and I'm struggling to reconcile it in my teeny little head. I suppose it's like a lot of things. I've known that people are dying but it didn't sink in until I saw them in hospital. I've known that  winter is coming but it won't hit me until I see frost on the car windows and snow on the ground. I work so much with visuals (surprisingly, since I'm so blind) that even the mental knowledge of an event means little until I see evidence with my own four eyes.


I know I'll be okay, I know I'll adjust to this and be fine. Mentally, I know this. I've yet to see it with my own eyes though…


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