Monday, February 1, 2010


After the trials of Friday, with the early morning hospital visit, and coming at the end of what was a pretty eventful and tiring week, a massage was a welcome treat for Alise.
As part of her birthday I bought Alise a massage at the local 'Massage Envy'. She was already pregnant at the time, and enjoyed it so much that I signed up to buy her one pre-natal massage per month, for 6 months. She had her fifth on Friday, and we'll hopefully be able to squeeze one more in before baby comes.
I drive Alise to the massage place, mainly because when she comes out of the place she's sleepy and super relaxed; so driving home might not be the safest thing for her. Usually I drop her off there and then go over the road where there is a supermarket and CVS, and I waste an hour comparison shopping. I go into CVS and see how much the Gatorade (for example) is, then go next door to the supermarket to see how much it is in there. I then buy a load of crap, pile it in the car, and go wait the last 10 minutes for Alise to come out.
Last Friday I was still on high alert after our false alarm that morning. I figured that the people at Massage Envy would be very capable if Alise were to actually go into labor or something. Alise would call me on my cell phone, I'd be there within a minute.
And then I remembered that Alise had left her cell phone at home. I started to feel sick.
We rely so much on cell phones these days, but they really are terribly useful things. I doubt though that Alise knows my cell phone numbers, since to call me she dials 'contacts - jeremy - call'. Without having her phone, I'm uncontactable.
I mentioned this to Alise when I picked her up. 'You have to make sure you have your cell phone on your person from now on!' I told her.
We then went to Target on Saturday night, partly to get out of the house where paint fumes were present. Paint fumes are apparently not safe for a preggo, so we got some fresh air. I had a terrible headache, and Alise needed to pee (surprise surprise!) and look at maternity clothes, so we arranged that I'd go and get painkillers and water, she'd pee, and we'd rendezvous at the clothing section.
After buying and taking pills, I tried to find her. Nowhere to be found. I tried calling her on her cell, no answer. I swooped around the store, increasingly frantically, trying to find her. Calling her, not getting an answer, panicking. I eventually got to the fitting rooms where I asked the clerk 'young lady? big red coat? pregnant? here??'.
Of course, Alise was trying on clothes. Her cell phone still at home heard only by the cats and Coco. I wasn't happy, and I think it's accurate to say that I scolded her.
Which... is a little too much; probably. I am a little too worried these days, and I'm a little annoying. Alise did take it in good heart (as per usual, patience of a saint that woman), and promised that she would from that point forth carry her cell phone on her at all times; but I really should also learn to calm down; just a little. Otherwise the next time that we rush to the hospital it might not be for her, or for the baby.


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