So yesterday I, along with the rest of the people in my building, and along with many workers in Massachusetts, were allowed to go home early so as to avoid getting snarled in the monster snowstorm that was rapidly approaching. Alise heeded the early warnings and worked from home, and we all gathered around computer monitors checking the forecasts. None of us really thought to look out of the window, because we live in the 21st century now and we're way more advanced than that. If we'd thought to look out of the window we'd have seen that it was actually raining; but technology beats reality, and we left at noon.
It ended up basically raining all day. Sometimes it snowed, but not significantly. It was a faux storm, and we were allowed home early for nothing.
At least this gave me a chance to start putting together the changing table. I've finished the first draft. It currently looks kind of like a drunken crib, and will bear the weight, comfortably, of a paper towel. Nothing more.
I'll finish it this weekend. We both have a long weekend, so we're planning on doing laundry, cleaning a bit, finishing up the nursery, and playing Playstation. We'll fit it all in, hopefully.
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