Friends are so cool. We are still both on a bit of a high after the weekend, we had a great time on Saturday at the shower, and then met up with Stacy, Ken and Kate for breakfast on Sunday. Alexandra joined us, before we dropped her off at the bus station so that she could get back to NYC.
Of course, with more 'stuff' we needed more places to store 'stuff'. We took advantage of it being Superbowl Sunday and went to Ikea last night, where we bought a changing table (with shelves to put 'stuff' on), and some containers and cute boxes to store the rest of the 'stuff'. We have a long weekend coming up, so we'll spend a day putting together Ikea furniture (I need at least a day and plenty of patience/coffee/naps to do this), and we'll put the final touches to the nursery. We are really getting close to D Day now, and while we are nervous as all hell; we're pretty much ready for this life-changing event. We have another ultrasound tomorrow morning, and we'll see where the boy is and what he's doing in there.
He's been very active recently. When he first started to visually move Alise's stomach with his kicks they were few and far between, and felt to me, an 'outsider', like gas, bubbles, or butterflies. Now if Alise 'spoons' me in bed with her belly to my back, our boy kicks me in the kidneys. That woke me up the other day. That was kind of trippy.
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