Friday, October 9, 2009

Bring Me My Grapes!

Alise and I were talking about her symptoms, or lack thereof, the other day.


It is, of course, a good thing that she hasn't suffered from morning sickness. Some women can suffer terribly, which isn't a good thing when nutrition and hydration is so important. The other 'Hollywood friendly' symptom that's been largely lacking has been for food cravings.


It was always central to my image of 'expectant father' that the man be seen driving all around town at 3am to locate the specific brand and flavor of ice-cream that his partner desired. I've always heard stories of women craving the strangest concoctions, mixing ingredients with wild abandon and barking almost impossible orders, Emperor style. 'Bring me freshly picked oranges! And then liquefy them with Gouda. And do it now!'.


Alise hasn't asked this. She hasn't really asked anything close. When she needs to eat she NEEDS TO EAT RIGHT NOW! – but she's basically been eating the same things that she ate before.


So, I kind of feel like I've been missing out. It feels like I've missed out on a rite of passage. This way is preferable to scouring the 24 hour stores for blueberry jam, but still… I've been largely redundant throughout all of this.


One symptom, of course, that's hit particularly hard in the last week or so has been lack of sleep, coupled with back aches. We'll touch on that one shortly.  


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