Thursday, October 29, 2009

Please use this as evidence if I should die on 01/01/2010

It's that time of year when we have to select our medical and life benefits.


Much like many people, we're given a chunk of credits that we can apply to different benefits. This usually means that someone like me (blind, British, scared of the doctor) may apply more credits to vision and dental coverage, less to medical coverage. I don't need to add our child to my plans just yet, apparently having a baby is counted as a 'qualifying event', and means that I can change my stuff when the 'event', 'occurs'.


I'm usually fairly frugal with my credits. Credits that remain can be converted to cash, which is added to your paycheck. The bare minimums usually work for me, enough coverage to be legal, not quite enough to be healthy.


This year is different.


This year I've given myself a half decent medical plan. I've gone with the premium vision plan, purely so that I don't have to clean my glasses on the scrubs of the delivering doctor before taking my first look at our son. I've even gone with a good dental plan, and might even go to one of those tooth doctors. I saved though, the biggest splurge for last.


I usually go with the minimum 1x salary for life insurance. I don't like to spend my money on life insurance, because I will never benefit.


Next year though, things change. So I turned the dial to 11. The max that I could get, I'm worth $200,000 dead. Alise is the sole beneficiary.


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