I mentioned Coco yesterday, and her magnificent efforts to save us all money by heating the house solely through the heat of her farts. She hasn't yet realized that we outdo her efforts by opening the windows to allow the smell, and the heat to escape, but she is trying and we appreciate this.
There has been another noticeable difference in Coco's behavior, over the last few weeks.
I've told you about Coco before, but let me recap. Coco is a gorgeous, very large, lovable and quite goofy nine year old Chocolate Lab. She's an English Lab, so has larger ears and a more pronounced nose that your typical lab, which just adds to her beauty. She's the kind of dog that people slow down to gawk at, and children love her. We were walking her the other day down our street when a child being held by its father came the other way. This little girl (must have been maybe a year old) gave a shriek and pointed at Coco, her legs waving in a gesture of sheer joy, matched only by the smile on her face and also by the tail wag of Coco.
Coco is great with kids. When around adults, especially tall, adult males she will horseplay like the horse that she is. She'll rush into people, jump up at them, try to lick the tops of their head, and generally be a big and unruly goofball. When faced with small kids though, she'll calm down and allow them to pet her, she'll make less violent movements, and she'll let them do anything to her. She's wonderful, and I'm quite sure that she'll be wonderful with our child.
There is something though, I think, that she's already started to do. I think that she's started to become ultra protective of Alise.
If Coco is allowed into our bedroom and onto the bed, she'll quite gently but quite deliberately crawl to Alise and lay her head onto her stomach. She'll be calmer than she used to be. I've noticed this as a subtle change recently, and I think it'll become more pronounced as the weeks pass. In addition, last night she heard someone outside our house. Before she would have let out a short 'gruff' sound. Last night she howled, loudly, and then barked. Very rare for Coco, but I think indicative of her probably very innate transition to protector and guardian of Alise.
Coco, if you're reading this (and I know you do all sorts of things while we're at work so I'm not putting it past you), thank you. You've been an awesome companion for the last few years and I'm looking forward to introducing you to your little brother or sister to you. They'll have a long way to go to beat you.
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