It was quite a day yesterday, my apologies for not posting. We've got a lot to talk about though, so stay posted.
I work for a company that is contracted to the State of Massachusetts, and as such am considered, for budgeting purposes, a State employee. Under normal circumstances this is a pretty good thing, the benefits are usually good, the jobs usually safe, the coffee usually of a pretty good standard.
These are not normal circumstances.
Like much of the country, indeed the world; the State of Massachusetts is low on money. $140 million has been slashed from the budget, cuts are being made.
It's for that reason that 9 of my colleagues walked out of the door yesterday, never to return. Among them some good friends, who I hope to keep in touch with but who I'll miss day to day. More layoffs are expected, and as I was the last in, I'm hoping to hell that I won't be among those out but I'm also preparing myself for the worst.
It's led to quite the atmosphere here. It almost feels like we're on one of those game shows where people are eliminated each week until a solitary winner remains. 'Who Wants to Keep Their Job!' is what I'm calling it, and I think I'll pitch the idea to the television people when I next see them. I kid, of course. Cutbacks are a necessary evil sometimes, it's just unfortunate for all that the economy is in the state that it is.
In other news though, happy awesome news; something wonderful happened this morning. Join us next week to find out what! (aw, just kidding, I'll write later on today).
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