Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We're Keeping an Eye on You...

We had another ultrasound this morning.
Because Alise has Crohn's, and is therefore classified as 'high risk', we've been getting very regular ultrasounds and appointments with her various doctors. I swear that this child has been photographed more often than I have, but it is wonderful to keep knowing that he is developing well and is healthy. According to the OBG/YN, if Alise were to go into labor now they wouldn't even try to stop it with drugs, they'd just get her in for the birth. That's a pretty scary, but also comforting thought.
We ended up watching some of the Superbowl on Sunday, cheering fairly halfheartedly for the Saints. I'm really trying to learn this sport so that if our son develops an interest, I'll be able to at least converse with him without him calling me 'lame' to my face. That'll probably happen anyway. But still! I'm trying. While we watched it, we reckoned that with our height, our fairly sporting figures, and our genes; there could be a possibility that he might have the physique to one day play the sport; we built an image of him as Tom Brady, dashing, athletic, strong and draped in supermodels.
This morning, driving away from the ultrasound, reality tried to cross the road.
A young man, probably about ten years old, hovered on the sidewalk near to a pedestrian crossing. He hesitated a few times, dancing in the road, as he looked at us. I waved him across (since 1, I'm nice like that and 2, IT'S THE LAW). He was carrying what looked like a musical instrument in a black case, and he wore glasses. He looked a little uncomfortable, a little lost, and little like I often do.
'That's our future', Alise said. I had no choice but to agree.


Anonymous said...

I <3 nerds > than I <3 Tom Brady

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