Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bathroom and Shower

This weekend is devoted entirely to the Bathroom, and a shower.

Today, in a fit of motivation rarely seen in this house, I painted the bathroom. In fairness Alise has mentioned the condition of this room many times since she moved in, and this week I decided (entirely on my own) that it was time to repaint. We had some pretty ugly plastic sheet-type tiling before, so I painted over that and tidied up the place. If I do say so myself, it looks pretty good and feels a lot more like a nice bathroom than it did before. I might post photos soon! But I probably won't. I'm a fickle bastard where photos are concerned.

Tomorrow, we go to New Hampshire for the first of our three showers! This one is the 'family shower', Alise's grandparents and many of her aunts, uncles, cousins and nieces live in the Granite State. We're both feeling a little uncomfortable about being at the center of attention at a party thrown for us, but we'll have a great time, I'm sure.

On the subject of showers.... more than a couple of people have asked if I'll be attending. My stock response is usually 'well yeah, why the fuck not?'. Apparently a traditional baby shower is without men, but to me this seems a little too old fashioned. The delivery of the child used to be without males too (apart from the Doctor, he's always a man in old fashioned land), and baby would be only changed and bathed by the mother. I'm planning on being there for the birth, on being a true partner in all of this (hell, I'd breastfeed him if I could), why shouldn't I be a part of the fun things too?


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