Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A blog about a blog

You may all be wondering where this blog is going. I wonder this myself.


At this early stage of pregnancy, there really isn't much that I can report on as far as physical developments are concerned. That isn't to say that there isn't a lot going on, mind you.


At this time our child is forming its central nervous system, muscles, bones and its heart. This week, if it is developing according to plan, its heart may start to pump blood. All while the alien is still about the size of a grain of rice. Pretty impressive huh? And to think that I feel accomplished when I manage to leave the house wearing matching socks.


While that's all going on inside Alise though, there's not much evidence of it on the outside. Her breasts (soon to be referred to as 'mobile vending machines') have grown a little and she's a little more tired than usual, but that's about it so far. I haven't yet been called upon to go and get her foods that she craves, she hasn't yet really suffered morning sickness. She is slightly nauseous, but that could be more from seeing me do 'the pirate dance' while nekkid.


For that reason, this blog has mostly been more concerned with my thoughts and emotions while I try to come to terms with what's happening, and what's about to happen. I hope that's okay with you all.  


Sergio said...

At this stage it is not much you can do other than start saving money. As much as you can. It will become handy later. But don't worry that having a kid always is for good (perhaps your parents would disagree, I know).
Hang in there!

Jon said...

Would you mind if I linked to your blog and vice versa? I started a blog when I found out that I too was going to be a father in hope that I could provide some practical advice to new dads who didn't fit the "get married, wait three years, have a kid" formula. I don't post as often as you have so far, nor am I as verbose, but I try to hit on some new topic every week. I'd love you have your feedback, topic suggestions, and traffic.

Jeremy said...

Happy to oblige... email me directly at and we'll work that one out.

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