Monday, July 27, 2009

Dear Hunter Fan Company

Dear Hunter Ceiling Fans,

There are many things that I can accomplish in five minutes. I can boil an egg. I can decide that I want to better my life, and then think better about it and begin a nap. I can take a shower while shaving with reasonable success, and I can create human life. Five minutes, that's all I need.

I cannot, in five minutes, put up your five minute ceiling fan.

I already had two of your fans in my house, one in the kitchen and one in the living room. I did not install either, but I observed from a distance. To be honest it looked terribly difficult but nonetheless I imagined that I'd be able to eventually throw up a ceiling fan and make our bedroom pretty and cool. When we saw your 'five minute fan' in Lowes, I adjusted your claims to take into account my inadequacies of all things manly, and gave myself two hours.

It took roughly two hours for me to open the box, get the directions, attempt to read them, cry for a bit, have a cup of tea, think to myself, then put up an ad on for a real man to help.

We eventually found a licensed electrician who said he'd come and help us install your five minute ceiling fan. It took him, and please note that he was paid for the job and not by the hour, two and a half hours to install the five minute fan.

It has taken me five minutes to write this letter. Writing letters I can do, I consider myself an expert. Our electrician considered himself an expert in installing ceiling fans.

My question to you therefore is... Who, and in what circumstances could ever put this fan up in five minutes?

I await your response,



Baby Maker said...

love it lol. Now did you really send it? You should

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should put up a donate button from PayPal here. there are plenty of generous people out there.

Anonymous said...

i put up 3 hunter fans in 1 hour.

stick to writing letters

Jeremy said...

Question: How many liars does it take to put up 3 hunter fans in one hour?
Answer: Just one. This guy.

Jeremy said...

Interesting suggestion, that paypal one. I did just that, you'll see it to the right of the screen. All donations will go straight to the baby fund, of course!

Jeremy said...

And yes, I really did send this letter to Hunter. I was going to mail it properly, but when I popped onto their website to get the address I noticed a big 'email us here' button. Lazy arse I am.

I will, of course, post any reply.

Mango Lassi Ken said...

So tough guy guess you had to put your wallet where you mouth is since all that big strong fan installation man talk at dinner didn't quite materialize.. too bad we were rooting for you too.

Jeremy said...

what makes a man a man? the ability to put up a ceiling fan, or the balls to allow comments like these to be posted? only you, dear reader, can decide :)

Cari said...

He's just mad. His mom didnt love him enough as a child.

On a side note: if it takes an ELECTRICIAN 2.5 hours to instal, I'm pretty sure a *manly* amateur would take a bit longer than that. And well...I would've given up too (probably after 20 minutes).

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