Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This Time Tomorrow...

We could be millionaires. It is possible! I bought two mega millions tickets today, the jackpot is $170 million. I have my fingers crossed tightly.

Anyway. I've decided that since we are at the 10 week stage now, I'm going to go into some further details about the symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester that Alise has had. While we really think that she's been lucky that her symptoms have been fairly mild, they have been pretty varied. So far, they have consisted of:

- frequent peeing
- weird vivid dreams
- breakouts
- fatigue
- sore/bigger boobs
- slight nausea on occasion
- increased appetite
- congestion
- pregnancy gingivitis

I shall explore each of these in detail in the coming days, letting you all know how they've affected our lives.


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